Sunday, May 12, 2013

Nuwara Eliya-Tea

                                     Nuwara Eliya-Tea

The drive up to Nuwara Eliya is a long and, as always a bumpy one. We make our way out of Kandy and back into the countryside. This is different scenario. Instead of the never-ending jungle and paddy fields we start to climb, passing hills, rocky outcrops and spectacular waterfalls. Many of these waterfalls have people, standing at the base, washing either themselves or their clothes. The waterfalls themselves are spectacular, falling many hundreds of feet and normally splashing down just shot of the road and continuing their fall on the other side. We also start to see a new plant that we’ve not seen lower down. To begin with it looks like a vine in a well kept vineyard but this is actually tea!
The hills get higher and higher and we start to get a feeling of mountainside travel with the van twisting and turning. Lisa is concerned for Tom as he’s not a great traveller and this sort of journey is classic for making him sick. However it appears that a DS is better for keeping the travel sickness at bay than a travel sickness pill and we make good progress.
Soon we find ourselves at a large factory with a visitors area and even a children’s playground. This is a tea factory and Chris pulls in and asks us if we’d like a tour. This is not strictly on the itinerary but is fantastic. We pull in and get out of the van. The surrounding area is filled with tea plants but this is not like the fields of any UK crop. The tea plants are not in flat fields but rise steadily, in immaculate lines up the hills, reaching high up to the mountain tips. It’s a pretty incredible sight.

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